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Lesson Three






Student Wormrot:


There is something about the acquistion of power which creates openings for our work in the human soul. Those who, either by inheritance or outright crookedness, find themselves in a place of authority with other human beings looking up to them, are easy prey for our delusions. The two humans on the right are prime examples of such ridiculous hubris from mere insects.


Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is typical of so many Catholics of our day that it is almost unfair to single him out for notice, but since his political position is of such high visibility, he has made himself fair game. The same can be said for the other creature, Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi, who is also a high ranking politician and therefore fair game for us. The reason for this is that their public pronouncements are followed by many of their political party as having an almost biblical quality. What these people say, because of their public position, is accepted and repeated as truth. Therefore, they are important to us and need to be developed not only as supposed voices of truth and reason, but as public theologians. Given the recent and most delightful sexual scandal in our Enemy's Church, a great number of people would rather listen to Pelosi than the pope, or to Biden than a bishop,  when it comes to making pronouncements on dogma.


The first useful characteristic of these two, and indeed of all public figures like them whom we can employ in our service, is that they are simply chock-full of themselves. Yes, the sin of pride - our favorite and most useful tool. Someone who is filled with such pride has no room for other voices, such as the Spirit of our Enemy. Like Protestants and religous cultists, these two are absolutely convinced that their own ideas regarding the Enemy's religion are correct, even though many of these ideas are in direct opposition to what the Enemy teaches through His Church. Their dogmatic statements on the "right" to abortion and gay "marriage" have been firmly fastened into their thinking by years of faithful work by the spirits who have been assigned to them. Because these two are Catholics, their apostasy is all the more important to us. Respected as they are because of their authority, multitudes of simple-minded humans will heed what they say regarding such things as abortion or gay marriage and believe that because these two are Catholic, they represent the truth of the Enemy's Church. They represent "a more enlightened and up-to-date Catholicism," which is nothing more than hell unleashed on human thinking. Brilliant!


Nothing could be further from the truth - which is absolutely delightful for us.  Deception coming from high levels of human existence is much more effective for us than whacked-out crazy cultists showing up at the front door of a home on a Saturday morning to yammer on about Charles Taze Russell and the "true Gospel of our Lord."


How do you develope a traitor like this?  Three steps:


1.  Keep them from paying attention in CCD and Church when they are young. Use all the items we have given you - football, television, the Internet, baseball, movies, personal addictions of various sorts - to distract the mind of the young human. If the child is in Church, fill his mind with the afternoon NFL game of his favorite team so that he doesn't hear the priest speaking on the reality of an eternity in hell with us for disobeying the teachings of the enemy's Church. Be sure to distract the parents, too, so that they don't actually try to live the devout life in front of the child. (One of the worst things that can happen to a subject). It is also much easier if you don't have to deal with a priest who actually believes in and preachs upon the reality of the Dark Underworld. Such makes our goals a lot more easy to obtain, and in the latter part of the twentieth century, the Church was filled with such priests. Pelosi and Biden are the obvious fruit of our infiltration.


2.  Make the little human think that the world revolves around his thoughts and emotions. Be sure that he or she never hears anything from the parents or teachers which would make the child realize that he or she is a microscopic dot of little significance in the universe. You do not want the child to grow up meditating on the greatness of the One who made the universe. The Enemy must not be presented in such a way as to give Him grandeur, which will provoke a sense of humility in the subject. A humble subject is the worst problem you can have, for he will think that the Enemy's thoughts, presented through that accursed Church, are more important than his own feelings or desires. You must have a child who grows up thinking that his own desires are foremost and his own thoughts on any subject are the most important on earth, to which everyone should listen. Take some time to study that clown we placed in the American White House as president. No one can tell him anything, he won't listen to anyone, and he is utterly vain, totally narcissitic, and prone to fits of temper when no one is watching. He will be perfect food for us someday. In the meantime, we use him to lead others to sin while he claims to be a Christian.


Christian? Hah! My red-hot ass he is!


3.  Confuse your subject by making the his emotions about a situation more important than what the Enemy has actually said about the issue. For example, we are winning the battle to destroy that ugly Sacrament of Marriage by using emotion over reason. When the issue of gay "marriage" (why did I put marriage in quotes? Because in reality, no such thing as gay marriage exists!) is brought up, we appeal for it with sentimental statements about the "right to love who you choose" and other such sobbing balderdash which is based strictly on making humans feel sorry that a certain class of people can't get what their depraved little emotions tell them they want. It has nothing to do with the reality of gay "marriage" being impossible because it is a sterile union which does not bring forth life. Both Biden and Pelosi are guided by emotion rather than reason, by misplaced feelings of sympathy rather than the reality of teachings of the Enemy's Church.Yet when confronted about it, they claim they are being true to the Church's teachings. How precious!


What you will wind up with will be pronouncements like the one Pelosi made on May 11, 2012, in the Washington Post, where she said regarding LGBT rights such as same-sex "marriage." "My religion compels me - and I love it for it - to be against discrimination of any kind in our country, and I consider [the ban on gay marriage] a form of discrimination."  Do you see what a victory that was?This statement was seen by numerous impressionable young minds who see Pelosi as a good Catholic and therefore will agree with her on this issue because they think it is mean-spirited to deny anyone anything that they want. Other older humans will be emboldened against the Enemy's hated Church by her obdurate denial of what the Enemy's Church has decreed regarding human sexuality. She is the "nice one" and the Church is mean-spirited and "out of touch."   


Biden went one better than her.  When challenged repeatedly on his religion, he became incensed and said, "If I'm the nominee, Republicans will be sorry. The next Republican that tells me I'm not religious I'm going to shove my Rosary beafs own their throat." Such noisy posturing makes people think that they have a right to shake their fist in the face of the Enemy while maintaining that nonetheless they really are good Christian folk. It was said of Biden that when he was hospitalized, he asked doctors whether he could tuck his Rosary beads under his pillow. Perhaps someone should inform him that it is not superstitious clinging to religious objects which will help him avoid a long sojourn with us, but rather obedience to what the Enemy's Church teaches as truth. Mr. Biden, however, doesn't care about obedience because all his life he has been the golden boy of his family whom no one had the temerity to rebuke when he decided that his desires trumped obedience to the Church's teachings.


Well, that pretty well wraps it up. I suggest regular review of Lesson One and Lesson Two along with this one. You also have a considerable number of subjects for study, both historical as well as wide variety of modern-day loons who consider themselves the most brilliant theologians in the universe. I believe you shall find it both amusing and educational to observe them in your spare time as you are learning how to develope your own personal theologian for use in your damnable arts. Feel free to write me with any further questions you have. I am always interested in students who apply themselves and show great promise. The bottle of Old Fireball you brought by my office was not unappreicated either.


Cordially yours for human damnation,



Infernus, Master Trainer, General Four Level

     The last great victory of the Infernal Underworld was the shredding of the Body of Christ into thousands of pieces by the Protestant Reformation. Now the great warfare of the underworld is to keep the Body of Christ splintered. Every deceptive means possible is used to be sure that Protestants do not consider conversion to the Catholic Faith.
    Every demon in hell is expected to master the deceptive arts in order to keep non-Catholic Christians out of the Catholic Church. Through a series of mysteriously intercepted Email messages, these deceptive arts have been revealed. The instructive Emails from Darkness General Three Infernus to the novice, Glimslug, give rare insight into the methods used to thwart the conversion of a potential convert. 
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