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Student Wormrot:


I extend to you most warm salutations and congratulations for dropping by my palatial estate with the intention of sharing with me two of your latest conquests. Wise indeed is that student who makes sure that his Master Trainer is both well-honored and well-fed. I must say that the Episcopalian priestess was a most delightful morsel. There is extraordinary taste to a soul smothered in rebellion against legitimate authority. It is a most succulent garnish!


Which matter leads me to your question of the night as we feasted. Yes, the Americans are about to have another one of their happy little conclaves which they repeat every year, complete with massive displays of pyrotechnics. And yes, they will trot out all manner of pretty speeches as to why America needs to ...  ahem  ... "return to God" ... as if this miserable country ever had anything to do with our Enemy in the first place.  It is all highly entertaining to watch, but nothing of which we have to fear at all as long as they continue to follow the principles of the Enlightenment and not the Enemy's Church, which is the true authority on earth.


You see, the rebellion which we found so delicious in your Episcopalian specimen is the same spirit in which this miserable country was marinated at its founding.  Every breath of the existence of this country has been, since the time our servants, the Puritans, first landed upon its shores, a continuation and growth of a most delightful state of rebellion against the Enemy. In order to understand this, you need to properly understand authority in regards to the humans - both what it is and from where it emanates.


Human beings have two choices and two only:  they either pledge fealty to our Enemy and submit to His authority, which is manifested on earth only through His  Catholic Church, or they belong to us. Contrary to what they think, there is no "middle ground" in this war. We have them by default. It is in these facts that all the puffery and baffoonery of the Fourth of July celebratory speeches are highly entertaining exercises of sheer irony. The human preachers can be counted upon to loudly, repeatedly, and with great show of emotion, call upon the name of the One to whom they will neither listen nor obey by entering His Church and obeying its teachings. 


To help you understand this better - I note a look of confusion on your face as we Skype -  you must understand that human beings are not autonomous authorities unto themselves.  They were made by our Enemy to serve and be loyal to His Kingdom. As part of that, however, they were also presented the opportunity for divinization, that is, to become god-like and enter into the joy of the trinitarian communion of love. This was the intent of the Enemy at the Creation, but we got to the woman and derailed that - and damn quick, too! We would not have mere mudbugs receiving a greater glory than we most noble spiritual beings. 


So ironically enough, in the Garden, it was we who planted the delightful seed of rebellion. It has grown into a noxious vine, which fruit throughout centuries has intoxicated man to listen to his own mental ruminations rather than the prophets, priests, kings, and scriptures which the Enemy sent to them. He gave them a Kingdom on earth - the Jewish nation - and we infiltrated that, set up our own agents, and when the Enemy came among them, incited the riot that caused His death. (Which was actually an enormously bad move on our part in regards to our relationship with the human vermin, but that is a discussion for another time).


In response to this, the Enemy set up a new Kingdom - one Catholic Church by name - and even invited those who had spit upon and crucified Him to enter freely into its walls and become His loyal subjects, once again entering into the possibility of divinization if they would but comply. We hated seeing that, and did everything we could to discourage such participation. Unfortunately, that didn't much work either, as every blood-soaked Roman coliseum became a theater for conversions to our Enemy's hated  Church.


For a long time we were dumbflumoxed as to what to do about this. Killing the enemy's soldiers in public only resulted in  more of them, so we toned that down in the fourth century and turned to trying to introduce heresy into the  Church. That was also a failure, and it began to look like the Enemy was going to succeed in establishing His Kingdom on earth.


How, you ask?


Rather than give you a long answer, go to library and check out Master Throgwart's book  THE ENEMY'S KINGDOMS IN THE MIDDLE AGES. You will find a description of  the European kingdoms and how they were the prototype of the world which the Enemy was seeking to set up - countries run as kingdoms, each one subservient to the Great Kingdom of the ThreeGod through His Catholic Church.  Yes, that is right. The paradigm for this is found in the Middle East and the Suzerainty Kingdoms in which all inferior kingdoms would pledge loyalty to the Suzerian (the Great King) and would be loyal subjects to him. That is the model for the Enemy's Church on earth, and it was coming to pass in a frightful way. European kings were obedient to the Holy Father of Rome, and when the Church spoke, they listened, upon penalty of excommunication.


Fortunately for us, we had two areas which offered us opportunity for infiltration:  corruption within the  Enemy's Church, and the natural rebellion which is in the heart of every man and woman, compliments of the Fall in the Garden.  We first created hotspots of discontent by making certain religious leaders among the hairless apes consider themselves smarter than the Church when it came to understanding the Enemy's Book. Then we  made sure they knew about the corruption  in the  Church, and convinced them it gave was a sufficient reason to leave and start a new religion which used the name of the  Enemy, but was in no way authorized by Him. 


This was a stroke of genius - by none other than your great-great-granduncle - in which the common understanding of the day was turned upon its head.  It had been understood up to that point by all Christians everywhere that you were either in the Church with a real possibility of an eternity in heaven, or you were a outsider whose destiny was to be with us forever.  As I said before - no middle ground, no "nicey-nice" about "really loving Jaaaaaaayzuz" and at the same time spitting on the Church and the Sacraments the Enemy gave the world to save their miserable souls.


Luther ( I love the sound of that name) got it all started for us. He convinced multitudes that they could leave the Church and yet still consider themselves the Enemy's children in good standing, despite such rebellion. He must have forgotten that verse in the Enemy's Book which says that "rebellion is as the sin of  witchcraft." There are also a couple of similar verses in chapter five of Galatians which state that heresy and schism send a soul down to us. St. Paul wasn't kidding either. We have a fabulous multitude of the deceived down here. They should have listened to the Church instead of human teachers and their man-made religions.


Are you getting my drift now? Just because one of the hairless apes bandies about the name of the Enemy in a sermon, jumping up an down, foaming at the mouth, screaming the name of Jaaaaaaayzuz, it does not mean that he is in good stead with the Enemy. It is obedience which brings blessings, not hijacking His name to use in sermons. Anyone can use the name "Jesus." Not everyone obeys Him.  Big difference!


Now let me tell you why obedience is so important - and why we hate it so much. To be obedient, especially to the Enemy's Church, the human vermin must humble themselves. They must be willing to see themselves as unimportant in the great cosmic scheme of events, and the Enemy as being the sole source of all good and blessing to them. Such free surrender, such giving up of their egos and desires to conform to the Enemy's purposes, brings them into a deep and powerful relationship with Him. Padre Pio was one such person. He worked miracles precisely because he had no will but the will of the Enemy. A humble servant is one in which the Enemy can freely unite and move about, shedding His love in that heart and doing good deeds. A man like that is a disaster for us.


In closing, I shall show you some comparisons which will help you identify the true humble servants of the Enemy from the charlatans and frauds. 


UNDER AUTHORITY  (discourage such behavior)                UNDER REBELLION (encourage such behavior)


Listens to the Church as the final word on             Listens to  him/herself as  the final authority

doctrine and morals.                                               on matters of doctrine and morals. 


Obeys the Church with a willing heart and            Rebels against the Church, insults Her by

submits joyfully to all Her teachings.                     calling Her "The Whore of Revelations" and

                                                                                and other pet phrases we came up with.


Serves  the  Enemy by a life of  regular  Mass       Uses the  name of  Jesus, but serves himself.  

attendance, Confession, and sacrificial giving       Can never find time or money to give, either

of time and talent to help the poor and needy.        to the poor or the  Church, but always has

                                                                                 money for some new trinket.


Loves the  Holy Father,  the bishops and priests    Hates the Church, criticizes the clergy, is not

of the Church and would never think of  contra-    obedient to what the  Church teaches, would  

dicting their teachings.  Loves the faith and lives   never think of converting to the Church, even

it fully.                                                                     under threat of death.


"I know very little, therefore I must listen to         "I am enlightened, I know a great number of

Holy Mother the Church."                                       things, including how to read, therefore the  

                                                                                 Church is irrelevant."                    


Do you see the difference? The humans in the first group, because they are humble and submit to all that the Enemy says and does in His  Church, have a close and personal relationship with Him. They are like trusting children who have climbed upon their Father's lap and snuggle into His loving and protective embrace. It doesn't matter to them if they cannot understand the reasons why there cannot be women priests or contraception. In their trust, all they know is that the Enemy is right and they are nothing without Him. Because of this emptiness of spirit, this lack of self and ego, the Enemy can guide and direct them, often deeply and in miraculous ways. People such as this are dangerous to us, which is why we work so hard to continue this deceptive idea that a powerful and personal relationship with the Enemy can be found outside the Church He established upon St. Peter.


Yes, Wormrot, it is possible to be outside the Church and yet have a truncated form of a relationship with the Enemy. But powerful - no! That is why you don't see men like Padre Pio and woman like St. Terese of Liseaux anymore in this day and age. What you get instead - masquerading as divine power - are charlatans like Peter Popoff, W.V. Grant, Earnest Angley, and a host of other fraudulent thieves who are wolves in sheep's clothing.  


It is also why there is such a delightful state of moral rot today - both inside and outside the Church. Rebellious mankind thinks he can call the shots and ignore the authority of the Enemy.  To deny the Enemy access to their souls is like trying to run a car without gasoline - it just doesn't work.  Without the Enemy's Spirit to guide them into all truth, they are powerless and adrift - and ripe for anything we put in their confused little minds.


So bully for our side! Fourth of July! Celebration of the principles of the Enlightenment, which principles and not the Enemy's Book, are the foundation of the Constitution they bow down to once a year on this most auspicious of days for our cause.


Lighting a celebratory sparkler for the continuation of the Enlightenment, I remain


Your Master Trainer



     The last great victory of the Infernal Underworld was the shredding of the Body of Christ into thousands of pieces by the Protestant Reformation. Now the great warfare of the underworld is to keep the Body of Christ splintered. Every deceptive means possible is used to be sure that Protestants do not consider conversion to the Catholic Faith.
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