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   GENDER BENDER         Thoughts from The Master regarding Bruce Jenner and all other 

                           dreadfully confused human beings








Inasmuch as you are a novice, I shall ignore the tone and tenor of your mundane request. Honestly, what year of training are you in that you would come to me with such a question? Let me pull up your records here....


Well, yes, now I understand. You are a first-session imp who is asking questions which rightly belong to third-session students. You haven't been through Master Beetlegeuse's class on USING HUMAN SEXUALITY TO RUIN A SOUL, have you? Why are you even approaching me with such inquiry when you should be out practicing what you have learned thus far on some African witchdoctor or fortune teller? We give you such simple-minded human beings upon which to train for more difficult conquests in the future, such as turning a priest away from the Enemy's Church to some bizarre form of Protestantism and making him think he has found the truth when he in fact has lost it.


Nonetheless, because I am in a good mood, having this morning enjoyed the soul of a wife-beater who had his brains splattered all over the wall of his living room by his long-suffering spouse, and also because I particularly enjoy discussing this sin, I shall accede to your request. Actually, this very soul which was delivered to me this morning - fresh, still bleeding and in shock, and not believing that he was in my clutches - (he had "accepted Jaaaayzuz," don't you  know, and that takes care of everything) - is a perfect segue into this very discussion. His abusive behavior towards his wife, which he himself in his more lucid moments did not understand, came about from the normal anthropological state of these beings and our distortion of it. They have a desire we bend to our use more frequently than you realize at this stage of your training.


The human being is created with something that neither the Enemy's messengers nor we demons have or can comprehend - a desire for complete union with the Enemy. Our Enemy is pure love, which is a state of self-giving that is anethema to us. I am for me and me alone, just as you are for you and you alone. I cannot understand, nor would I wish to have, the desire to give my total self to another being.  Such giving is the essence of the experience called "love" and the state of being in which the mysterious ThreeGod lives. The ThreeGod, the Enemy, His Son, and their Spirit, exist in a union in which they constantly empty themselves into one another, giving fully everything they are and have to each other. Preposterous! How in hell's name would I want to give even a scintilla of my perfect, wonderful, magnificent, all-powerful and all-knowing self to another being, who must certainly be inferior to me?


Apparently the Enemy doesn't think much of Himself, for He not only does this with the Son and Spirit, but He wishes to take the most inferior beings imaginable, made from common dust, and pour Himself into them eternally while they give themselves to Him. This is the purpose for which they were created, and in forming them, the Enemy put His very image - that intense desire for union called love - into their very essence. Can you imagine such a self-degradation? The most powerful being (next to our Dark Master, of course) in the whole universe, and you create a dustball in order to become one with it? 




No wonder our Dark Master rebelled against such a nauseating display when he found out what was afoot.


Now let's take this Bruce Jenner human being. My hell, are we having fun with this poor, deluded mass of cell material. You see, what he wants is that which exists in every human being - a total gift of himself to another and in turn, a full reception of that chosen other person back to himself. This is how the Enemy has imaged Himself in these creatures. It is how they are different from any other species of creation in the universe.


The genius of what we do is that we take that longing for union and turn it inward on the subject. Once the Fall of man marred the image, the rest was quite easy. You will find that this desire for union can be bent in any number of interesting ways to promote your subject's fall into our clutches. The normal desire - that is, if the human machine were to be running as created - would be for a man to look upon a woman and desire to unite with her. The woman would also desire to unite with the man. But using the machine analogy, the wires are crossed now, and the desire that should go to the other is quite easily misplaced. In the future, your work will be to observe your subject, and when you see the emotions of desire, direct them to the wrong object. Thus, you can take a young, confused boy with a feminine side and a cold, distant father, and when he feels the natural desire for relationship which his father should indirectly fulfill, direct it towards a handsome male. 


Here are important things for you to observe when you are given a subject to damn. The first taste of this experience of union called "love" (Ugh!  Hell, I hate to use that word, even in an  Email!) should come from the parents. A human child raised by a reasonable well-balanced male and female will experience the gift of self from them, as well as seeing them give themselves sacrificially to each other. He will thus learn what it means to truly love, making him a much harder subject with which to work. But - if the parents are self-absorbed and emotionally distant, the child will grow up not having that hunger satiated.  That is your opportunity. Because the enemy has made the act of procreation dreadfully pleasurable, it is easy to misdirect the desire for loving relationship to the sensation of pleasure afforded by an orgasm. In the twisted wreckage of the human soul, the mind is led to believe that the experience of orgasmic pleasure is equivalent to receiving love. Receiving love from another gives these human beings a most wonderful pleasure, both mentally, and, physically when they couple. If that is lacking, then their minds seek anything else which gives pleasure, and they mistake that pleasure for what is being sought by the soul. Sex is by far and away the most sought after selfish pleasure used by human beings, but there are any number of other diversions which can make them feel the pleasure they crave from a union of love. Money, work, sports, the list of objects and diversion with which we can satiate the lusts of these hairless beasts is endless. 


Do you understand what happens when you do this? We take a desire which should be outward and directed towards another and turn it  inward so that the focus is not on the pleasure of the other's happiness, but instead on the pleasure of self. This is why our pornography franchise has been so successful. It gives a false pleasure which feels like love, but requires nothing in sacrificial giving from the one sitting in a corner spanking his monkey to visual scenes of nudity and abuse.


My latest feast fell into this trap. When his wife could not give him the same pleasure as his furtive viewings in the middle of the night, he began to turn upon her. What he didn't realize was that every time he sruck her, he experienced a new and different kind of pleasure - the selfish pleasure of power over her - deep in his subconscious. This was why he couldn't understand what he was doing. He became a walking nightmare of schizophrenia, one day hitting his wife in his frustration and desire for pleasure, and the next wondering what kind of beast he had become and vowing in tears to never hit her again. Too bad for him  that he was too embarrassed to find help. He'll have all eternity to realize what he was and regret the day he began to feast on illicit sexual scenes.


So with Bruce Jenner, we simply took that desire for the pleasure of self-giving love and turned it to another object. The object was femininity and the beauty of the human female form. We gave him a wrongly experienced pleasure from many aspects of it - the sight and touch of colorful clothing, to the natural beauty of silky, long hair, and the sweetness of the feminine mystique. Something was lacking in Bruce so that he was easily made to feel - with subtle suggestions from us - that he really was made to be a woman to be truly fulfilled. The sensations of pleasure he derived from these thoughts and acting out on them were mistaken for the deep and true desire he has within - total self-giving. He will never satisfy this unknown longing because he is now in a state of total self-taking.  It is the same state of sexuality which mistakes homosexual union for the norm of male and female complimentarity, giving themselves totally and utterly to each other in a complete union. It is nothing more than selfish pleasure seeking  to fulfill the need for the moment. This is what the Fall did, it turned mankind within instead of without, making our work so much easier for us.


In the end, Bruce Jenner and all the millions of others who engage in sexual acts outside of the union of marriage will find to their horror that they have not learned to give and receive as the Enemy intended. They have turned within and made an idol of their pleasure, which they worship in a lone room with the inscription "The Sexual Revolution." It is a room in hell, and it is quite full, much to our delight.


Now get back to your books and be glad I don't report this little folly of yours.


Master Trainer and your better always,



Infernus, the Magnificent




     The last great victory of the Infernal Underworld was the shredding of the Body of Christ into thousands of pieces by the Protestant Reformation. Now the great warfare of the underworld is to keep the Body of Christ splintered. Every deceptive means possible is used to be sure that Protestants do not consider conversion to the Catholic Faith.
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