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To:  Imp Class of 2019 - General Mailbox


Sirs and Young Imps:


Well, there you have it, at least in America. (We are having problems with the Enemy's bishops in Africa, but for now all the assembled forces of the Dark Underworld have been given a 24-hour leave of duty by our Dark Master to enjoy this victory). I have a couple of nicely cured paedophile souls in my storage compartment. I think they will make an appropriate feast to celebrate  this occassion of legitimizing sexual confusion and debauchery, as well as spitting on our Enemy's Sacrament of Marriage.  I shall accompany them with a fine vintage bottle of Fire & Brimstone which I have been saving for just such a momentous occasion.


This is an teachable moment for you novices, and I would not be the greatest of all demon trainers in the Dark Underworld if I did not give you some important lessons regarding this victory. In your inexperience, you have the tendency to see only the short end of this operation. What you must study and come to understand is all the hard work that went into getting to this moment, beginning with the so-called Sexual Revolution of the 1960's. Yes, it goes back that far, and actually, even a bit further than that, although the '60's were the catalyst for implementing everything we had in readiness.


The starting point was the wonderful Lambeth Conference, held by our good servants, the Anglicans. At its 1930 Lambeth Conference, our Anglican division of His Darkness's religion, swayed by growing social pressure, announced that contraception would be allowed in some circumstances. Soon the Anglican church completely caved in, allowing contraception across the board. Since then, all other Protestant denominations have followed suit. They had absolutely no idea the Pandora's Box they had opened, walking around smiling and congratulating themselves for being so "loving and understanding of human sexual needs."


Now I think I hear some of you asking yourselves, "Well, so what? What difference does sex with or without a condom make to the humans?" as you scratch your fuzzy heads in bewilderment. Oh, but condoms were the Trojan Horse (please excuse my use of bad pun - even master trainer cannot resist a little humor at the expense of human souls) which opened an opportunity to turn a blessing into a most selfish vice. 


Your first important point of this discourse:




Always - always, always, always remember this!  When you are assigned to a subject, never forget how their selfishness is  the greatest tool our Dark Master has given you to damn their rotten souls to hell. Some of you will be fortunate enough to be assigned to a subject who is a flaming ball of self-centeredness. Your work will be easy. Others of you will have to work to overcome a  problem called "altruistic behavior." Nonetheless, always remember - every human being has some amount of selfishness within with which you can work.


In the case of sexuality, the granted permission to use artificial birth control inferred to men an unconscoius permission from a respected religous authority to use women for one purpose only - satisfaction of an itch. The reproduction of their species, commitment to another human, and the establishment of family, which is the purpose for which the Enemy created the body, was tossed to the wind. Men could now indulge themselves freely and not face the consequences.  Husbands could use their wives as mere relief from a desire rather than having to communicate about thing such as time of the month, do we want another child, and  thus share in the intimacy of the wife's emotional and physical needs. Men no longer had to control their urges - and it was game on! This was a good beginning, but as we knew here in the Dark Underworld, it was only the starting point for greater destruction and damnation of the vermin.


This leads to my second point:




This is honestly not as hard as it sounds. Our files are rather full with a long history of men and women who only needed the right circumstance to sell their souls to us in order to fulfill their selfish desires. Cain, Onan, Jezebel, Judas, Luther, Calvin, Henry VIII, and a considerably long list of others, many of whom are now permanent residents in the lowest halls of the Dark Underworld for their acts of perfidy against the Enemy. To their eternal horror they have discovered what a poor trade they made for a short period of satiating their desires. Reference my Email on Great Theologians if you wish to refresh your memory.


Once upon a time, the vast majority of human men and women knew that sex was something special which was reserved for marriage. To give your body to another was an act of commitment and self-giving. Those who served us by engaging in promiscuity were marginalized by the societies they lived in. It was understood that they had committed wickedness and that such behavior was not to be emulated nor lauded.


But in the early 1960's, Pusglomus, a wise student of mine, found a reprobate by the name of Hugh Hefner. Hefner brazenly challenged societal standards by openly publishing a magazine with just the slightest hint of nudity – the exposed female breast. Yes, there was scandal at first, but since the men of America were either spineless cowards or secretly wanted to buy his magazine and hide it under their mattress, this initial salvo went unchallenged. The more degenerate of them even used the 1st Amendment of their country’s Constitution to justify the publication of this fine magazine. Good for us. And the best part of this was that so many of them who fell for this "innocent voyerism," or whatever euphemism by which they tried to excuse their actions, were the Enemy's people! Real Christian men would have defended womanly virtue and not only burned every first copy off the presses, but covered Hefner in enough tar and feathers to do a highway. But no, they let it pass. That was all we needed.


Pusglomus worked slowly and patiently, wisely biding his time. Year after year the magazine hardly showed much more flesh than the initial issue had, yet something else was in those pages doing a far deeper work than just the showing of a little female nudity. Hefner sought out and  found every possible degenerate on this accursed planet. They wrote, and he published, article after article in defense of sexual experimentation and deviant moral behavior. Little by little these articles began to bend the will of the American public away from the sanctity of marriage.  These articles, and the air-brushed false beauty within the pages of this magazine, created a sense of discontent among men.  Even the  most long-married of them began to believe there was something they were missing.  Adultery and fornication became commonplace, and within marriage, men began to itch for something more than the routine they had. Pornography became a set of shackles on them, and the divorce rates skyrocketed nicely as infidelity began to reign.


In other words - sex became, with the help of contraception - a sterile pastime rather than a Sacrament leading to the creation of new life. Once we had established the idea that pleasure is the chief end of man -  pfffft, it was all downhill from there! Easy. The way our Enemy has created mankind, sterile sex is unnatural sex. When unnatural sex - that is, sex that does not produce life - has become commonplace, as it has in a contraceptive culture, it becomes intellectually impossible to make significant distinctions between homosexual sex and contraceptive heterosexual sex - and the homosexuals knew that in their hearts. When sexual love is no longer inherently life-giving, it quickly becomes permissive, self-centered, hedonistic  - just what we needed to lead millions to hell.




Okay. Here's the wrap-up on today's lesson. The world is constantly watching the behavior of the Enemy's soldiers. When a saint such as St. Padre Pio lives among them, we have a very hard time filling our quotas in that area. A man or woman of such caliber is a standing rebuke to sin, resulting in repentance and changed lives. This is why the contraceptive mentality and Playboy magazine have been so important to our goals for the destruction of this country.  Once those with "disordered passions," such as same-sex attraction, saw the Enemy's soldiers falling in line to practice sterile and unnatural sex,  they properly reasoned that it was a high-handed piece of hypocrisy to not be allowed to follow their desires for homosexual sex. And since marriage has been divorced from the reality of procreation and bringing new life into the world, homosexuals have now successfully argued the point that marriage can be with anyone.  We win!


For all of this - as well as the further perversions which we have planned for the two-legged apes - we really should go find Luther and Calvin and thank them.  They divided the Enemy's Church, subverted the Enemy's authority, and made the human vermin think that they could do whatever they thought right in their darkened little minds, rather than be submissive to the authority of the Holy Father in Rome. Our Enemy has placed a fence which we cannot breach around His Church so that She cannot teach moral or doctrinal error. Once the humans  wandered beyond that fence - they were fair game for us, since they were no longer under the authority and protection of the Enemy's care, and would not listen to the truth because they found it displeasing to their lusts.  Stray from the shepherd, and the wolves get you. By drawing  the Enemy' people into contraception, we opened the door for all practitioners of other forms of sexuality to complain that it was unfair to discriminate against their chosen desires.  It was truly one of the easiest victories we have had in a long time. Just wait till you see what you will be expected to tempt them with by the time you graduate!  You haven't even begun to see debauchery yet! We are going to fill hell like there is no tomorrow - which for their eternity is a given!


Now go - beat it! All of you! Get drunk, chew on a few choice souls, and join in the grand celebration!


Just be  good and damn sure your books are in order when you return to class!  


In Gleeful Celebration!


Master Trainer Infernus

     The last great victory of the Infernal Underworld was the shredding of the Body of Christ into thousands of pieces by the Protestant Reformation. Now the great warfare of the underworld is to keep the Body of Christ splintered. Every deceptive means possible is used to be sure that Protestants do not consider conversion to the Catholic Faith.
    Every demon in hell is expected to master the deceptive arts in order to keep non-Catholic Christians out of the Catholic Church. Through a series of mysteriously intercepted Email messages, these deceptive arts have been revealed. The instructive Emails from Darkness General Three Infernus to the novice, Glimslug, give rare insight into the methods used to thwart the conversion of a potential convert. 
      Not since the Screwtape's instructions to Wormwood were published has such information about the machinations of the underworld and its nefarious schemes been available. The discovery of
The Infernus Files reveals tactics which have been succesfully used since the Reformation to keep men and women out of the Church which Christ established up St. Peter, and to keep the Body of Christ fragmented and powerless for as long as possible. Available 
from Kings of Luighne Publishing.  Click the link to order your copy today!

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